All manuscripts submitted to KJFT undergo an internal and/or external review process.

Original research articles authored by a member of the journal’s editorial team will be independently peer-reviewed. The editorial team members will not influence the peer review process or publication decision for their own submission. Editorials and obituaries penned by the journal’s editor will not undergo external peer review.

Upon submission, manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editor/editorial board. If deemed suitable for publication, they proceed to internal and external review by specialists within the relevant field. Manuscripts clearly unsuitable for publication may be rejected at this initial review stage by the editor/editorial board.

KJFT employs a double-blind peer review process. For leading articles, original articles, reviews, and perspectives, two reviewers are assigned; one reviewer is designated for case reports and invited reviews. Statistical reviews are sought as necessary.

KJFT aims to maintain a review timeline of approximately 6 weeks from submission to initial response, post editorial and peer review. Additionally, authors have the option to specify up to two reviewers or units to which they prefer their manuscript not to be sent for review.

The Editor and Editorial Board will:

a. Uphold the quality and high standards of publication for the journal.

b. Maintain transparency, competence, and fairness while avoiding conflicts of interest in all publication-related matters.

c. Decide impartially on manuscript acceptance based on its relevance to the journal’s scope, originality, scientific merit, and adherence to legal considerations such as libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

d. Be prepared to revise decisions, issue corrections, or take other necessary actions if a published work is found to be incorrect.

e. Develop, adhere to, and update guidelines for authors and reviewers as required.

f. Provide annual updates on the journal’s progress to the publisher.

Information about submitted manuscripts will only be shared with the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, editorial advisors, and the publisher by the Editor, Editorial Board members, and Editorial Office staff.

The Editor and Editorial Board members will not use any unpublished material from submitted manuscripts for their research without explicit written consent from the author.

The Editor and Editorial Board will consider retracting content from KJFT only in cases where there is conclusive evidence of unreliable data, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication, or unethical research practices.

Research papers submitted must adhere to ethical standards. Authors are required to provide documentation verifying ethical clearance for their research. Failure to submit this documentation may result in rejection by the review committee.

All authors are required to disclose any financial or personal affiliations with institutions that may influence their research work. This includes employment, consultancies, stock ownership, grants, or other forms of funding from organizations. Authors must complete the Declaration of Competing Interest statement.

By submitting an article, authors confirm that the work has not been previously published elsewhere. Each author must submit an individual consent form, agreeing to the publication of the article without any objections. Additionally, authors should provide detailed contributions in the declaration forms.

Authors are required to upload their files using the provided system, following the step-by-step guidelines given at the time of upload.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.